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Poecilotheria metallica (Gooty Sapphire Ornamental Tarantula)

Scientific Name: Poecilotheria metallica, peacock tarantula

Common Name: Gooty sapphire ornamental,

Type: Old World arboreal

Endemic Location: Southeast India

Adult Size: 6-8"

Basic details: This is one of the most desirable tree-dwelling creatures and is considered a prized possession in the pet trade. Their impressive size and vibrant color patterns make them a standout choice as a pet. Their striking bright blue, yellow, and white spots are impossible to ignore, highlighting their beauty. They are notably quick and can sometimes act defensively, possessing potent venom. Due to these factors, it is recommended that individuals have some prior experience before bringing an adult P. metallica into their collection.They are known to do very well communally.

Poecilotheria metallica (Gooty Sapphire Ornamental Tarantula)

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